Juan Pérez, better known as Petreyo (from Petreius, his Latinized surname) (1511 - 1544)), humanist and dramatist in Spanish Latin. Biography
Linked to the University of Alcalá de Henares or Complutense, he was Professor of Rhetoric at this institution for six years and died with only thirty-three. He wrote six dramatic works with didactic intent, so that his students could learn Latin well, four of them translations from Italian: Necromanticus, Lena, Decepti and Suppositi, printed in 1574. The other two are an adaptation based on the novel by Lucio Apuleyo entitled Chrysonia (although only the prologue is preserved) and Ate relegata et Minerva restituta, original work whose argument is based on a historical conflict between the ecclesiastical authority (the Primate of Toledo, Cardinal Tavera) and the rector of the Complutense University on issues of jurisdiction academic The author uses characters from the classical world as an allegory of his hope that Cardinal Juan Martínez Guijarro (Siliceo) would end that conflict once he had been named primate of Toledo, given the multiple ties that bind him to the University. < / p> Bibliography