Symposium (science)

A conference on rehabilitation in Oslo

A symposium, known as a scientific conference or scientific conference, is in science a meeting of scientific researchers for presenting their work, further imaging on a particular topic and further exchange of ideas. Closely related to the symposium are the colloquium, the discussion meeting, a meeting, the scientific conference and the scientific seminar. Together with scientific journals, symposia provide an important channel for exchanging ideas and information between scientists. General

In general, a number of scientists each give a brief presentation of their work during a symposium, ranging from an average of 10 to 30 minutes including discussion. The work can be laid down in a scientific article. Large symposia often group the presentations into parallel sessions.

It is common for one or more key figures in a particular subject to give a longer presentation or lecture. A symposium often also consists of a panel discussion, roundtable or workshops. Often there are so-called poster sessions, with researchers hanging their work on a poster (poster) in a separate space or in the walkways. They can then explain that poster to passing colleagues who wish.

Scientific symposia exist in many types:

A symposium may be further local, regional, national or international. Organization of scientific symposium

Symposia can be organized by a group of scientists with a common interest, by a research institute or by a scientific society. The organization of larger conferences is sometimes outsourced to professional agencies.

In essence, these meetings are usually announced with a so-called "call for papers". This is an open request to scientists to submit to the organization a summary of the work she wishes at the symposium. Also see
