"The DJ Kat Show" was a British children's program of Sky Channel. It ran from 1 September 1986 to 31 December 1995 and was originally made by John de Mol's production company. Joost Timp and former Spargo bassist Jef Nassenstein also cooperated. Various youth programs were broadcast in the DJ Kat show; cartoon films such as The Transformers and M.A.S.K. but also (classic) live-action series like Skippy. The Dutch contribution was shown by the fact that DJ Kat was spelled with the 'K' as in Dutch and not with the 'C' as in English.
History 1986-1989; the Dutch yearsThe first episodes were recorded in the studios of John de Mol in the Loosdrecht Pandahallen. Linda de Mol acted as a sidekick of DJ Kat (the original American pop player Robert 'Robbie' Hahn), a hairy cat in a black leather jacket that likes to turn pictures and has multiple girlfriends who live in another country. DJ Kat is fond of a sticky smelly mash called yuk (although he has to do it with prawns and carrots in practice) with an even nasty glass of milk. He culminates in these culinary p in the episode of May 21, 1987 (All you need is Yuk) after prompting him to write his own song instead of editing an existing text. 1989-1995; the British years
In early 1989, Sky Channel decided to focus exclusively on the English market in the future; Linda de Mol and Robbie Hahn were replaced by Stefanie Pitt (left at the end of the season) and Don Austen (also the new walrus at Fun Factory). A number of scripts were translated into Dutch for The Billy Hotdog Show that was seen at the TROS from 1989 to 1991.
With the Dutch contribution, the success of the program also disappeared; Stefanie Pitts's replacement Katrina Hylton-Hull (daughter of pop player Rod 'Emu' Hull) could not find himself in the new plans and resigned in mid-1992. After a three-week "vacation", in which the programming of the cartoon films simply continued, the metamorphosis with alternating presenters and sketches was a fact. Initially, there was a revival, and the weekend was kick-off KTV (replacing Fun Factory) in 1994, but a year later, the watch figures went down again and, in the absence of inspiration, they began to write old scripts to recycle. Instead of having a metamorphosis, it was decided to postpone the DJ Kat Show after nine years. Spin off
In 1989, the program received a Dutch spin at the TROS called The Billy Hotdog show. This program was from the same makers. Linda de Mol also did the presentation here and Hahn the doll. Even though the character now involved a dog with a cat. Although Billy preferred to be over DJ, the characters of both dolls were almost the same. Alsmede the vote. Unlike SKY, this program was Dutch-speaking.