Citizen Initiative (in Catalan, Ciutadana Initiative) (IC) is an Andorran political party. History
According to its president, Guillem Pons, IC is an independent grouping of diverse ideologies, without any linkage or inheritance of other political formations previously existing, and that the objective is "to create a space for dialogue and debate since which we can promote processes of reflection and evaluation of a new way of doing politics in Andorra. The party was created in 2012 and according to Guillem Pons, has arisen because it has been found that there are "enough citizens who do not feel represented by current politicians and their parties, who feel excluded." It is for this reason that they want to promote "integration into the political life of all citizens, where everyone feels involved and represented". According to the party's statutes, IC is "a political project with a Social-liberal tendency corresponding to the need for a profound renewal of politics and society" and that "is based on the right to a dignified life, freedom of expression, conscience, association and the diversity of social movements and solidarity. "