Fashion (French magazine)

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Fashion is a French weekly magazine founded in 1829 by Émile de Girardin.

Designed primarily to be a fashion and literature journal, the magazine took a very marked political turn in 1831 with Alfred du Fougerais who violently attacked Louis-Philippe. The paper was then edited by E. Mennechet, then in 1835 by the ultra-royalist Viscount Joseph-Alexis Walsh, and later by the Legitimist Alfred Nettement in 1848. It appeared until 1854, disappeared, reappeared from 1856 to 1862 under the title The New Fashion.

Honoré de Balzac published there Study of Woman in 1830, as well as that same year: the new Goodbye in three parts, El Verdugo and Gobseck. bibliographyedit code
