The municipality of Puerto Siles is a district in the department of Beni, in South America Andes State Bolivia.
LocationThe municipality of Puerto Siles is one of the three municipalities of the province Mamoré and is located in the northwestern part of the province. It limits to the west with the province Yacuma, to the south and the east with the municipality of San Joaquin, and to the north with the province Vaca Díez. The second largest urban and administrative center of the province is Puerto Siles with 279 inhabitants (2001). in the southern end of the municipality Geography
The municipality is located at the Puerto Siles Moxos level, with more than 100,000 square kilometers of one of the largest wetlands in the world. Type of dominant vegetation in the region of Puerto Siles is the tropical savanna. Temperature fluctuations are low, both during the day and during the year, the Jahrsdurchschnittstmperatur is over 26 ° C, average monthly temperatures are between 24 and 29 ° C (see San Joaquin climate chart). Annual rainfall of about 1500 mm and approximately twice the precipitation in central Europe. Only the months of June to August are for a dry season, minted in the scarcity of precipitation evaporate quickly. Population
The population of the municipality of Puerto Siles has declined in the last two decades by about twenty percent:
The population density of the municipality in the last census of 2001 was 0.5 persons / km ², the proportion of urban population is 0 percent. Life expectancy for newborns in 2001 was 62.4 years. The literacy rate among those over 19 years of age is 89.3 per cent, while 92.4 per cent and 85.2 per cent for men and women (2001). Political Division
The municipality is divided into three cantons: