
Altar of T. Flavius ​​Constans of Cologne (Römisch-Germanisches Museum)

Vagdacustis was a Celtic or Germanic goddess. Cultus

Little is known about this goddess. She was possibly a tree or forest goddess, but it was also suggested that she was a god goddess, because the second part of her name would be derived from the Latin virtuos (courage).

Near Kalkar is found a sanctuary that was probably dedicated to her. In Cologne an altar with the inscription Deae Vagdavercusti ... was found from the 2nd century and in 1842 in the river de Linge at the Gelderse village Hemmen the pedestal of a bronze statue with the inscription The [ae] Vagdavercusti sim [pl] icivs .... An inscription has also been found at Rindern.
