In medicine, a foot deformity of the human foot (also called invisible heels) is called in which the foot is permanently in a position of plantar flexion, in adduction and inversion, the hindfoot in varus, with the bone of the foot. Tarsus Calcaneum inverted so that the patient affected when walking supports the anterior region of the foot (walking tiptoe usually fall) and the heel does not come in contact with the ground. The person with an equine foot has limited flexibility to lift the upper part of the foot toward the anterior leg area. Only one foot or both may be affected.

The equine foot is not usually an isolated deformity, it is usually accompanied by other alterations, if it is associated with a varus foot, it is called clubfoot or clubfoot and when combined with valgus deformity it is called valgus equine foot. The causes that originate it are very diverse, it can be a congenital disorder, present at the time of birth, or originated later by a paralysis of the tibialis anterior muscle, sometimes it is a sequel to poliomyelitis, cerebrovascular accident, spinal cord injuries or other neurological diseases such as multiple sclerosis and Duchenne muscular dystrophy. The treatment is based on orthopedic and rehabilitation measures, in some cases surgery is recommended.
