Jozef Anselm Frans Werbrouck (Ypres, 1692 - Antwerp, 1747) was the tenth bishop of Roermond from 1743 to 1746 and the 14th bishop of Antwerp from 1746 to 1747. His spell was: Fortiter et suaviter (Dapper and Gentle). Career
Joseph Werbrouck studied Dowai Literature and Philosophy, followed by theology. After his priesthood dedication, he was promoted to canonism in Ypres. In 1743 he was appointed bishop of Roermond. On September 29, 1743, he was devoted to Ypres dump church by the bishop of Ypres, assisted by the bishop of Brugge and the bishop of Ghent. In 1745 he tried to counter abuse during processions. On 7 June 1746 he was appointed to the 14th bishop of Antwerp.