NL (complexity class)

In the theory of computational complexity, the NL (nondeterministic logarithmic space) class is the set of decision problems that can be solved in log space (n) (not counting the size of the input), where n is the size of the input, by a nondeterministic Turing machine such that the solution, if it exists, is unique. Class L is contained in NL and is strictly contained in PSPACE. Since NL is also strictly contained in PSPACE, it is concluded that in relation L & # x2286; N L & # x2286; P & # x2286; N P & # x2286; P S P A C E {\displaystyle L\subseteq NL\subseteq P\subseteq NP\subseteq PSPACE} NL is different from PSPACE, but apart from that it is possible for each inclusion that the classes are equal or not.
