Oliegos was a village in the region of La Cepeda (León, Spain) that in 1945 had to be uninhabited by force as a result of the construction of the Villameca reservoir.
The early morning of November 28, 1945, the more than 150 inhabitants of the town of Oliegos climbed a train of 30 wagons that was parked in Porqueros, to be moved to the estate of Foncastín, municipality of Rueda (Valladolid).
In the 18th century there were 21 residents living there, in 36 buildings. In addition there were 10 mills and a tavern. Almost a hundred years later, according to data from the Madoz Dictionary, the place had progressed, 34 residents lived there, 146 people. Oliegos continued to grow slowly for another hundred years, until its end on November 28, 1945.
Oliegos was a village with land of ferreñales (fodder crops) meadows of irrigated and dry land and hilly land of abundant urces. Its basic productions were rye and grass. It had numerous hives and cattle, horses, goats and sows. 100 years later to their previous production they had added another basic product: the potato.