
Pelckmans publisher grew from the Dutch Bookstore, founded in 1892. Following contacts between Max Rooses and Jan Bouchery in 1890, the idea was to start a bookshop with the aim of importing and distributing Dutch-language literature from the Netherlands in Flanders. The Dutch Bookstore (DNB) thus fulfilled a pioneering role, because the bookstore in Flanders was still in its infancy.

In 1901, DNB also established a Gents branch. And in the meantime, the bookshop also became active as a publisher. Among other things, for the work of Maurits Sabbe, Emmanuel de Bom, Lode Baekelmans and Pol de Mont.

Albert Pelckmans became the first Flemish director in 1943. He further expanded the publishing house. The literary fund became bigger and Pelckmans also bred other markets.

Since 1953 the Dutch Bookstore is also active as a school publishing book. In the sixties and seventies, the creation of Patmos Publishing (Religious Works) and Helios (popular editions) and the foundation of the Guido-Gezelle Society were followed. During the post-war period, the Dutch Bookstore was known as a major publisher of catholics and publications of and about the Flemish Movement. Among other things, in the series Human and Time, historical works of the Flemish Movement and Egodocuments of Flemish Movers were published under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Karel Van Isacker.

The sons of Albert Pelckmans, Jan and Rudi, christened DNB in ​​1986 to publisher Pelckmans. The Dutch Bookstore remained as a bookstore in the center of Antwerp (Sint-Jacobsmarkt) until 1999.

DNB / Pelckmans is the publisher of Gerard Bodifée, Manu Ruys, Derk Jan Eppink, Raoul Bauer, Herman De Dijn, Bart De Wever and Ludo Abicht. The publishing house has been active in the field of religion and philosophy in recent years.

Thom Pelckmans has been publishing the publishing house since the late 1990s. The educational fund has grown steadily in recent years. For example, a foundation for kindergartens and primary education was started, including new expenses for religion and world orientation. Also for secondary education, several new projects were realized. Externe link
