Progressor from the Soviet Union (1989)
A door stamp is a stamp whose image goes through to an adjacent stamp. Well-known runners in the Netherlands are: the environmental strip (1974), the cows (1974, NVPH No. 1052), the link, the tulip field (1973, NVPH No. 1025) and the epaulettes (1978). At the tulip field, the image is continuous in four directions.
The color of color goes through the background color. In the Netherlands we see that already in the summer stamps of 1959 (NVPH No. 722-726). Environmental strip and cows
The environmental strip was the first real sculptor in the Netherlands: the branches of the tree continued to the right in the following seal.
The (image) tracker became a hype in the Netherlands after the cows appeared in 1974. After the calendar year, Davo's supplements appeared with boxes for the environmental strip and for a couple of the cows stamp . No one had counted on it, neither was it trade! The prices went up because everyone wanted to fill that empty box. Other image walkers also became more expensive. In retrospect, the conclusion must be that there was also a lot of speculative demand in the market. Afterwards prices have fallen again. Epauletten
In 1978, the KMA seal, a stamp commemorating 150 years of KMA, appeared with a perforation across the epaulets. So it was a true doorman, but the hype was a bit wiped away. PTT and postage stamps had not counted on additional demand for stamps and to First-Day Skirts, so they soon sold out. In all, a second edition of KMA stamps was created and new envelopes. But something went wrong: In the first edition, the text "The Netherlands 55c" was deep black, in the second edition it was dark blue. For years, the existence of two different stamp versions was ignored by the NVPH catalog.