Ruins of Khami, capital of the Kingdom of Butua.
The Kingdom of Butua (also Butwa) was an ancient kingdom to the south-east of modern Zimbabwe, its capital being the city of Khami. It was the main place of gold trade for Arab and then Portuguese merchants. It is cited for the first time by the Portuguese in 1512.
The country was ruled by the Togwa or Torwa until around 1600 the Rozwi shepherds settled in the region, who came to hold power. In 1683 the rozwi king Changamir Domgo went to war against the Karanga who had the regional hegemony (the king of whom was the monomotapa), defeating them in 1684. Their kings were called Changamir or Changamire and that is why the dynasty has been called "of the changamiras".
The last king was Tohwechipi Changamire "Chibamubamu", who fled in 1857, being captured in 1866 and passing the territory to be administered by the British Company of South Africa (BSAC)