According to the Annals of Fulda, Thiota was a heretical Christian prophetess of the ninth century, originally from Alemannia (southern Germany). In the year 847 he prophesied that the final Judgment would happen the following year, in 848. His story is known from the Annals of Fulda, which recorded that Thiota (Mulier Alamanorum) disturbed the region of Bishop Solomon of Constance - that is, the diocese of Constance (Germany) - before reaching Mainz . The clergy considered her a "false prophetess" (pseudoprophetissa), but a large number of men and women of the village - and even some priests and monks (sacri ordinis viri: "men of the sacred orders") were persuaded by her prophecies " divinely revealed "(divinitus sibi revelatia). Because of fear, many gave gifts and asked him to pray for them.
Finally, the bishops of Gaul Belgium organized a synod in the church of Albano de Verulamium, in Mainz, which they forced to attend. Under the psychological pressure of the interview, Thiota confessed that the author of the revelations had been an unknown presbyter who had acted only out of personal greed. He was publicly beaten and stripped of his ministry (which the Fulden analyst claims Thiota had taken "without reason [...] against the customs of the Church.") Publicly ashamed, he ceased to prophesy. p> Bibliography