Benedict X. (by name Juan Mincio). (* Rome (Italy),? - † 1073 or 1080). Antipope from 1058 to 1059.
Bishop of Velletri and relative of the counts of Túsculo, was elected Pope on the death of Stephen IX with the name of Benedict X.
His election did not have the approval of the whole college of cardinals, since part of it opposed the same in alleging that it had occurred by price (simony); so that the disconformers met with Cardinal Hildebrando, future Pope Gregory VII, who had not participated in the election to be at that moment in Germany, and proceeded to elect in the city of Siena, in December 1058, as successor of Stephen IX to the bishop of Florence, Gerhard of Burgundy, who adopted the name of Nicholas II.
Nicholas II, on the way to Rome, celebrated at Sutri a synod in which he deposed and excommunicated Benedict X who was forced to flee from the holy city; although he continued to claim his rights until, after several military defeats of his supporters, he was forced to stop considering himself a pope.
After his resignation was imprisoned until his death of which no true news is known, although historians fix it in 1073 or 1080.