Council of Rome (1083)

In 1083 Pope Gregory VII convened a council.

In him he spoke so strongly of the Faith, of the Christian Moral, and of the constancy necessary in the persecution, which appealed to the whole Assembly. He did not renew the excommunication against Henry but pronounced it against anyone who prevented those who wanted to go to Rome to this same Council. The ordinations made against the Canons were declared null and void. Penances that did not conform to the maxims of the Holy Fathers were declared invalid. The Bishops were instructed to teach the letters in their Churches and were forbidden to tolerate the incontinence of the Clerics.

Meanwhile, Enrique arrived in Rome on March 21, 1084: it was seven years since this division between the Pope and him. It made to enthron to the Antipapa Guiberto, with the name of Clemente III of who received the Imperial Crown on the day of Easter, whereas Gregorio had been saved in the Castle of Sant Angelo.

Portable Dictionary of Councils, Pons-Augustin Alletz, 1782
