France at the heart of the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda is a thorough study of the involvement of France in the genocide of Tutsis in Rwanda written by Jacques Morel, mathematician by training, CNRS engineer until his retirement, and citizen specialist of French politics in Africa. This book examines known facts and documents concerning France and Rwanda. A first edition was published in 2010 by L'Esprit frappeur and Izuba. It is prefaced by José Kagabo, who died in 2015 and at the time lecturer at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales.
In his preface, José Kagabo writes: "This book is of an unusual kind. First by its magnitude: more than 1500 pages in one volume! Then, by the quality of the information it contains, as well as by the variety of sources that the author crosses: journalistic investigations and reports; investigations by parliamentary institutions [...] and by international organizations or the defense of human rights [...]. Added to this is a mass of information drawn from academic works, accounts of witnesses or survivors of the genocide. [...] ".
This book is in permanent editorial and Jacques Morel regularly publishes on a dedicated site updates and corrections, the latest version of which is available for download, as well as over 2300 hard to find documents he quotes. Notes and edit the code