Radial Abduction is one of the terms used within the functional anatomy to describe a joint movement. These terms, as part of so-called descriptive terms, are part of the internationally accepted nomenclature of the anatomy.
Radial dysfunction represents the movement of the wrist or of a finger in the direction of the spinal bone (radius), so in the direction of the thumb. Because anatomically, when the arms are held along the body, the radius is located on the lateral side of the body, the relevant movement in the wrist is sometimes also called short-term abduction. However, a distinction is made between radial and ulnaira development, which is anatomically more adductive.
The main muscles responsible for the radial wrist wrist are the musculus extensor carpi radialis longus, the musculus abductor pollicis longus, the musculus extensor pollicis longus, the musculus flexor pollicis longus and the musculus flexor carpi radialis.