Francien is the name given by Gaston Paris in the 19th century to a hypothetical Gallo-Roman dialect spoken in Paris in the 12th and 13th centuries, and the immediate vicinity of the Île-de-France. The Francis would be chosen and changed to the language that became the default language of the whole of France in relation to the other langues d'oïl - sometimes sometimes called the French-French. In this way, modern French would not originate directly from vulgar Latin but from the Romanesque dialect spoken in Paris in the 12th and 13th centuries.
The theory of Francia has never been widely accepted because there is no evidence that this dialect is truly spoken. Some see the Franconian hypothesis only as a way of artificially explaining the development of Old French to Middle French. Since 1950, therefore, much faith has not been attached to the idea that modern French originated in Paris.