It should not be confused with Social Alliance (Poland), the Polish political party.

Alianza Social is a political party founded by René Joaquino, a Bolivian indigenous politician in 2004.

His party was created in the city of Potosí, when he was mayor of that city since successfully he has managed to occupy the municipal government obtaining 65% in the polls, through the media such as radio and television little by little he made his match known. This party is inspired by the other leftist parties, such as the Socialist Party (PS) in Bolivia and the Movement for Socialism led by the current president of Bolivia, Evo Morales.

The intention of this party is to establish equal rights for Bolivian citizens, in 2009 although it has rarely spread to other departments, although in the Department of Potosí it obtained the second place after the Movement to Socialism (MAS) by Evo Morales, has also had some growth in the Departments of Oruro, Cochabamba, Chuquisaca and in the city of El Alto, Department of La Paz. After the retirement of Joaquino from the mayoralty his party was the main base for the presidential elections, when obtaining between 2.31% it has managed to enter the parliament with two deputies.

It is emerging as the second and new party of the left, after the party of President Evo Morales, Movement to Socialism (MAS) in the parliament, without counting the presence of the Movement without Fear (exalted of the MAS) that legally does not appear with representatives in the parliament.
