The Laguna Hinojo Grande is a lagoon of approximately 9,000 hectares. It has an average depth of 5 meters and is 86 meters above sea level. It is located in the Trenque Lauquen party in the province of Buenos Aires in Argentina. The lagoon is 420 kilometers west of the City of Buenos Aires. View of the Laguna Hinojo Grande
Its main attraction is sport fishing, especially pejerrey fishing. It has 3 camping areas, located at km 421, 427 and 436 of National Route 5. It originated due to the great floods of 1987 and currently has a normal flow, feeding on the Fifth River. It is part of the Las Tunas lake system, where the Las Tunas Grandes lagoons, of approximately 27,000 hectares, are also found; Las Tunas Del Medio, with approximately 4,000 hectares; Las Tunas Chicas, with approximately 5,000 hectares; Las Gaviotas with approximately 2,000 hectares; and El Hinojo Chico, with approximately 1,000 hectares. During the floods of the years 2002 and 2003, all these lagoons were united forming a single mirror of water.