
Melzin in Oregon in the United States. Melzin near Ebenthal in Kärnten in Austria in autumn.

A larch is a forest dominated by larches. Natural larch trees are found, mainly in difficult climatic conditions (mountain, high latitudes) and on reworked soils, before the installation of climax species. There are also artificial larches, which require human intervention to maintain themselves. Indeed, larch trees are species of light, they do not support the competition of the species of shade where it exists.

Because of the fall of its deciduous needles in autumn, the larch has a unique undergrowth: the ground is covered with an orange carpet of needles. This quantity of needles is a resource for red ants, whose nest is essentially composed of them. Ant hill domes can often be seen, often exceeding 50 cm and measuring up to more than 150 cm.

The squirrel is also a resident of the larch, where he finds habitat and food. It nestles in larches and eats the seeds. The squirrel stores a lot more seeds than it needs because it does not remember all its hiding places. The forgotten reserves become future larches.
