This Madonna and Child, known as the Virgin of the Gallery (in Italian, Madonna della Loggia) is a work of the Italian Renaissance painter Sandro Botticelli. It is executed in tempera on wood. It measures 72 centimeters high and 50 centimeters. wide. It belongs to the year 1467. It is currently preserved in the Uffizi Gallery in Florence (Italy).
This painting is not unanimously recognized as Botticelli's work due to some details, such as Botticelli's improbable bronze tone or composition deformity. There are also numerous touches. Nevertheless, some critics identify it like one of his first works, mainly due to the definition of the cloths and the light, closer to the style of Verrocchio than to Lippi.
It looks like one of her initial experiments on how to frame the Virgin with Child in a classical architectural background.
In this Madonna, as in the others of the long series that Botticelli painted, you can see a model of serious Virgin, meditabunda, abstracted in her own beauty and acting always with great seriousness. The Madonna of Botticelli reflects a more intellectual relationship than affectionate between Mother and Son, unlike what happens with the virgins painted by Rafael Sanzio, who usually look at their son and collaborate in their games with a certain smile.