Enrique Horacio de Lasuén (Avellaneda, 1953) is an Argentine writer. Biography

Within a few months of being born, he moved with his parents to Mendoza, where he lived until 1978. There he studied first Mercantile and Psychology after, but the military coup of 1976 prevented him from obtaining the title. Then he went to Buenos Aires, where he began to collaborate in different newspapers and magazines. In 1995 he settled in Barcelona, ​​Spain, where he served as columnist and correspondent for the newspaper "La Ciudad" de Avellaneda, the weekly "Realidad" and other Argentine and Spanish graphic media. He has published two books in Spain: "Stone fragments", biography of the Aragonese sculptor Mariano Andrés Vilella (Ed. Globartis, Barcelona) and the novel "A parade of strange figures" (Ed. Nostrum, Madrid, 2006), awarded the first prize in the International Contest of Novel "Voices of the Chamamé" in the city of Oviedo (Asturias). Other prizes obtained are: "Diploma of recognition to the journalistic trajectory" granted by the Municipality of Avellaneda; Fco. Castañeda Guerrero (Avellaneda, Arg.); "Stories of women" (Cangas de Onís, Asturias), "Villa de Lodosa" (Lodosa, Navarra), "Great Coffee of Cáceres" (Cáceres), etc. Currently lives again in Asturias. One of his main blogs is: http://enriquedelasuen.blogspot.com Also, his works can be seen in www.igooh.com.ar and in www.clarinblogs.com under the pseudonym of Harpo Engels.
