Santiago Reuquecurá or Renquecurá was a powerful Huilliche cacique of the 19th century. It dominated the territory between the Catán Lil and Aluminé rivers.
Born around 1800, he was the son of the Huilliche cacique Huentecurá, whose brothers were also the caciques Antonio Namuncurá and Juan Calfucurá, parents of the future leaders Manuel Lefiñancú and Manuel Namuncurá respectively, due to the control of the steps Pehuenches was more concerned with the trade than the war, he could mobilize up to 2,500 conas (warriors), the largest army after Valentin Sayhueque, but each time his family invited him to a mansion he sent 600 to 1,000 spears. In 1881 the Argentine forces began the campaign against his nephews Álvaro Reumaycurá and Manuel Manuncurá, then marched against him and on December 5, 1883 he surrendered along with his last followers, he died in 1887. Bibliography