Automatic analysis of your creations (V1)
I am Escalabot, a robot trained by Escaladix. I do daily analysis of all items created two days earlier to detect unclassified, stalemate and / or orphan items.
Internal links allow you to move from one article to another. A dead end article is an article that does not contain any internal link and an orphan article is an article to which no encyclopedic article, thus excluding portal, category, etc., points. For more details on the internal links, you can consult this page.
The categories allow a consistent classification of articles and are one of Wikipedia's strong points. For more details on the categories, you can consult this page.
Adding links or categories is not mandatory, of course, but it greatly increases the accessibility of your article and therefore its chances of being read by other Internet users on the one hand and to be improved by other contributors on the other hand.
For more information, do not hesitate to visit my trainer. Similarly, if you find that my analysis is wrong, thank you to indicate it to him.
If you no longer wish to receive my messages, you can request them here, however, I advise you to leave this message as it is and, in this case, I will simply add my next analyzes, following the ones others. Escalabot January 28, 2007 at 05:25 am (CET) Analysis of January 26, 2007