
This article does not sufficiently cite its sources (October 2013).

If you have books or articles, or if you know of quality websites dealing with the topic here, please fill in the article giving useful to its verifiability and linking them to the website. section "Notes and " (edit the article, how to add my sources?). veralipride

Veralipride (Agreal, Agradil) is a neuroleptic drug of the benzamide family indicated for the treatment of vasomotor symptoms (flushing) associated with menopause. It was first licensed for use in 1979. Veralipride has never been approved in the United States.

In September 2006, he was removed from the Spanish market. As a result, the European Commission referred the case to the European Medicines Agency (EMA).

In July 2007, the EMA recommended the withdrawal of marketing authorizations for this entire class of medicine. code change the code
