Bread knife

Bread knife

The bread knife is a knife used to cut the bread and has certain special characteristics, the main one is its sharp edge with large teeth that allows to easily tear the bread fibers. It does not have a fixed position on the table and is usually located near the bread pan. It is a knife of large dimensions that can reach about 30 cm in length. Applications

Despite what many people think, and as with other utensils that are part of the cutlery, there are different knives created to meet different needs. In this case, the knife to cut bread presents two main qualities, the first of them is to have a cutting tool able to adapt to the needs of the user when cutting bread and derivatives. And the second, to preserve the rest of cutlery in front of the deterioration that would suffer if knives were used not suitable to cut bread.

Appears at the table of the guests so that they cut the bread. It is considered, anyway, an informal tool of many people's meals, relatives, or even breakfasts in which each person cuts his own slice with the thickness he wants. In formal meals, the bread is usually cut by hand or, failing that, it is served in previously cut slices. This knife is also used frequently in the kitchen to make slices of bread with which to make toast, toast, toast, sandwiches, sandwiches, etc.

Despite not being designed to cut other foods, the panero knife can be used to cut ripe tomatoes, juicy fruits and pies, thus giving this knife a degree of versatility.
