
Eteono (in Greek, Έτεωνός) is the name of an ancient Greek city of Boeotia, which was mentioned by Homer in the Catalog of the ships of the Iliad, where it is described as «very mountainous».

According to Estrabón, later his name changed to that of Escarfe. Its location is doubtful: some have located it near the current Pili, others close to the current Asopia and others near the present town of Klidi.

A tradition, collected by Lysimachus of Alexandria said that when Oedipus died, the inhabitants of Thebes and another Boeotian village called Ceo did not want their remains were buried in their territories and his body was transported to Eteono, where he was buried , at night, in an enclosure dedicated to Demeter. When the inhabitants of Eteono learned of the fact, they consulted the oracle about what they should do and the answer was that the worshiper of the goddess should not be disturbed, so the remains were buried there.
