Morskie Oko

This is a list of all genera of the Arecaceae botanical family. The following classification was proposed by N.W. Uhl and J. Dransfield in 1987 in Genera palmarum: a classification based on the work of Harold E. Moore, Jr. (but see new classifications such as that of Asmussen et al., 2006). Acanthophoenix.

Subfamily Arecoideae Tribe Areceae Subtribu Lemurophoenicinae Subtribu Ptychospermatinae Jubaea chilensis. Caryoteae Tribe Cocoeae tribe Subtribu Butiinae Tribu Geonomeae Phoenix canariensis. Tribe Iriarteae Tribe Podococceae Subfamily Ceroxyloideae Tribu Cyclospahteae Tribe Ceroxyleae Tribe Hyophorbeae Subfamilia Calamoideae Tribu Calameae Tribe Reed Tribu Lepidocaryeae Subfamilia Coryphoideae Tribu Borasseae Tribu Corypheae Tribu Phoeniceae Subfamily Nyphoideae Phytelephantoideae subfamily
