Bay to Breakers

Map of the Bay to Breakers route. Bay to Breakers is a 12-mile race held every year in San Francisco, California, on the third Sunday of May. Its name reflects the fact that the race starts very close to San Francisco Bay and runs westward to the Pacific coast where the waves break (ing breakers) against the beach. It is a race in which anyone can participate. The race was established in 1912 after the 1906 earthquake as a way to raise the morale of San Francisco citizens. Since then it has become common for many participants to run in disguise and even on some occasions practicing certain levels of nudism. Description

This event brings together more than 60,000 participants each year and around 100,000 spectators. This race has been a source of great excitement and joy for all the people of San Francisco year after year. Persons who register must pay a fee to obtain a career number. It is a family event where entire families arrive dressed up as bat, spider man, pirate, cat, clown, princess, among others. After the race everyone celebrates in Golden Gate Park. They enjoy food, music and joy. It is a day when all the inhabitants get along well regardless of immigration status or social status. People from all over the bay attend. It is a very popular event in which children and adults can have fun.
