David Dermez

David Dermez is a Flemish theater and television actor. In the 90's he studied Studio Herman Teirlinck in Antwerp. With his final work Le dernier flamand he (1996) won the Humorology Competition in Marke. He also taught drama in the Academy of Music, Word and Dance in Galmaarden.

In 1996, his theater work began to play in Theater Antigone, the Royal Flemish Theater, the Podium Modern and the Palace. Since 1997 he is also active in cabaret moments and brings songs solo and with the group Off The Record. In 2013 he was seen together with Nico Sturm in the FOUR program Hallelujaaah. TV roll

On television, he was seen in Los Sand (as Frank Verrecas), Aspe (Gerrit Kerremans), De Wet volgens Milo (Valentijn), Flikken (Lukas (Bukas) de Vreeze), Verschoten & amp; Son (man with second-hand clothes), Flesh and Blood (Doctor Steven), Quiz Me Quick (Bank Director) and Oma and Grandmother (as one of the grandmothers).
