Flevowijk is a neighborhood in the Dutch municipality of Kampen and belongs to the residential district of Flevowijk-Cellesbroek-Middenwetering. The Flevowijk is bordered by: Jacob Catsstraat, Cellesbroeksweg, Loriéstraat and the Europa Allee. The first houses were built in the early 1960s. The neighborhood has various playgrounds for (smaller) children with various play equipment and a sandbox.
Primary schoolsThe neighborhood has two primary schools: Shopping mall
On the Lovinkstraat, the district shopping center is located with a supermarket, a drugstore, a snack bar, a pastry shop, a liquor store, a florist and a pharmacy. Sports associations
Various sports clubs are located nearby. All at Sportpark De Maten. Badminton Korfball Table tennis Football Also see