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The gulqand (Persian: گل قند, Urdu: گل قند, Hindi: गुलक़न्द; de gul, 'flower', and qand, 'sweet' in Arabic) is a sweet pink rose petal North of India. Elaboration

Prepared by putting rose petals and sugar layers in a hermetically sealed wide-mouth glass jar. This jar is put in the sun for about 6 hours a day for 3 to 4 weeks. On alternate days the contents of the jar should be removed with a wooden stick. Once ready, the jar should be stored inside.

Other ingredients, such as vark, praval pishti, cardamom seeds or muktapishti (pearl powder) may be added to enhance the cooling properties of gulqand. Use

Gulqand is an ayurvedic tonic. The National Institute of Ayurvedic Medicine provides a list of benefits associated with consumption of gulqand, including reduction of pitta and body heat, reduction of inflammation and redness of the eyes, strengthening of teeth and gums, and treatment of the acidity.

Gulqand is commonly used as an ingredient in paan, a popular dessert and digestive in India, Pakistan and Bangladesh. Notes
