Olén (in Ancient Greek, Ὠλήν) of Lycia was a poet of the Ancient Greece, of indeterminate chronology. It was said that he came from Lycia to Delos and that he composed the oldest hymns to Ilitía, to Achaia, to Hera and to the inhabitants of Delos. However, none of his works has been preserved. Another tradition says that the oracle of Delphi established the Hyperboreans who came with him and that Olén was the first fortune-teller, and therefore he was the only fortune-teller of the oracle because since then the fortune tellers have always been women.
In her hymns she attributes to Ilitía the motherhood of Eros. In her hymn to Hera, she points out that she was raised by the Hours and that she was the mother of Ares and Hebe.