Original shrub and H. steinheimensis holotype. Replica of the skull of H. steinheimensis.
Steinheim's skull is a fossilized skull of an archaic Homo sapiens or Homo heidelbergensis found in 1933 near Steinheim del Murr (20 km north of Stuttgart, Germany) next to elephant and rhinoceros bones. It is believed that the skull belonged to a woman of about 25 years old who lived 250,000 to 350,000 years ago.The skull is slightly flattened and its cranial capacity is estimated between 1110 and 1200 cm, although several studies give it a volume of 1179 ± 30 or 1270 ± 10 cm.
Coordinates: 48 ° 58'06 "N 9 ° 16'34" E / 48.96833, 9.27611