Marrano's pate was a Spanish comic book fanzine, successor of the Pota G, founded in Madrid in 1993 by Ediciones Patéticas, a group of cartoonists fresh from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Madrid: Javier Herraiz (Root), Cocoliso ( Philippe de la Fuente), Luis Barro, Albertoyos, Francisco Bueno, María Colino, among others, with the collaboration of well-known cartoonists of contemporary fanzines such as Mauro Entrialgo, Álvarez Rabo and Sobornez. In successive numbers they were incorporating Luis Durán (cartoonist), Olaf, Álvarortega, Javier Olivares, Tamayo and many more.
In 1995 he won the prize for best fanzine at the Barcelona Comic Fair.
After eleven issues, Marrano's Paté ceased publication in 1997, re-founding itself as a new fanzine, the Cretin