Adapted script

Literary adaptation is the transformation of a work into another, from one literary format to another, which means changing literary language and even change part of the argument, so it should be considered as an independent artistic creation. The adaptation of a book to the cinema is no longer a book, but a film that works on its own and from the perspective of whoever has done it. The cinematographic language (image and sound) acts differently than the literary: while in the cinema emotions are created with lights, shadows, frames and sounds, in the literature they are transmitted through words or metaphors, sometimes abstract, that can create different images in each person.

The adaptation of a literary work to the cinema is usually a difficult matter, since if the viewer knows the original work will face the new work with very high expectations, based above all, on his very personal imagination that he recreated what he read in his own mind, with his own aesthetic. However, a good adaptation is not necessarily a faithful copy or translation of the writing, but a complete and independent work of his literary mother.
