Eunocoidism (word derived from eunuch) is an intersexual state caused by an insufficiency of testicular function; in this sense, it is a secondary hypogonadism associated with infertility and azoospermia, and that is determined by a decrease in gonadotropic hormones (FSH and LH) and by low levels of testosterone with a status of GnRF (hypothalamic gonadotropin-releasing factor) ) normal.
Characteristic individuals have an abnormal increase in adipose tissue in the mammary, gastric and gluteal areas; tendency to the disappearance of body hair and various changes in the voice.
The most common type is caused by disorders in the hypothalamus, as a result the body develops a female form with accumulations of fat in the hips, above the buttocks and chest. The external genitalia become smaller organs, but the psychic development follows normally. Often the disorder is eliminated by hormonal therapy. Notes