In Aragon, it is called alifara to the treat or snack that usually occurs because of the purchase that one makes of something.
Formerly this voice was written in the deeds or letters of sale to imply that the buyer, as a sign of drinking possession of the purchased jewelry, had presented a meal to the seller or contributed a certain amount of money in that this was I would have estimated; without whose circumstance or the confession of the same seller to have received it, it was imperfect and the contract was rescinded, so that it can be said that it received its firmness from the alifara.
This custom was similar to the one that was in Castile in the sale of chivalry that was made in the markets of the towns solemnizing itself with the alboroque, that seems is the complement of the contract.
Reasoned dictionary of legislation and jurisprudence, Joaquín Escriche, 1847