"Heartbreaker" is a 1982 single released by American pop and soul singer Dionne Warwick. The song was written by The Bee Gees (Barry, Maurice and Robin Gibb); with the voice of Barry Gibb in the choir "Gibb Songs" (in English). Retrieved October 15, 2015. The unique sound of siblings can also be recognized in rhythm and percussion, unison strings and synthesizers as metallic instruments. The song reached # 10 on the US Billboard Hot 100 in January 1983, and was # 1 on the "Adult Contemporary" chart, excluding youth pop, dance, rock, etc). In the UK, the topic was # 2. It was also a big hit around the world. In 2006, the song demos written by Barry Gibb and The Bee Gees were officially released for albums by other artists: The Guilty Demos, The Eaten Alive Demos, The Eyes That See In The Dark Demos and The Heartbreaker Demos. In this last album appears the demo song of the same name interpreted by Barry Gibb with its characteristic falsetto. In 1995 the Bee Gees recorded the track for a new album of love songs, but was postponed until 2001, where it was included in the compilation "The Record" by the Gibb brothers