Ite Boerema

Ite Boerema (Uithuizen October 14, 1902 - June 23, 1980) was a Dutch surgeon and, with his student W.H. Brummelkamp, ​​founder of hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBO, Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy). Also, hypothermia in cardiac surgery and hyperthermia in cancer were the subject of his research.

Boerema studied medicine at the University of Groningen and graduated in 1927 in a thesis on the closure of the neural tube. To start with his surgical specialist training, he made a study trip through America, as well as his colleague professor of surgery at Binnengasthuis, Kummer. He was general surgeon in Groningen in the 1935-1946. After that, he was Professor of General Surgery at the University of Amsterdam at the Wilhelmina Guest House in the 1946-1973. He was a very fruitful author with more than 250 articles. Under his leadership 70 dissertations were established and twelve of his students became professors later.

The first high pressure tank for medical application (1959) was in the Wilhelmina Gasthuis in Amsterdam. He was initially used to perform heart surgery. When the WG moved to the Academic Medical Center, this tank went to the AMC where it is still being used.

Boerema was a member of the Royal Dutch Academy of Sciences, Knight in the Order of the Dutch Lion and Officer in the Legion of Honor. In addition, he had a number of honorary doctorates. Publications

This is just a very small selection of some significant and most recent items from a list of over 250 items. Sources

portrait in the UvA collection.
