Lucio Luceyo

Lucio Luceyo (in Latin, Lucius Lucceius) was a Roman orator and historian, friend and correspondent of Cicero.

Man of considerable wealth and literary taste, can be compared to Pomponio Attic. Displeased with his failure to become consul in the year 60 a. C., retired of the public life, and dedicated to write a history of the social and civil wars. He almost finished it, when Cicero insistently asked him to write a separate history of his consulate (that of Cicero). Cicero believed that a panegyric on the part of Luceyo, who had felt considerable interest in the affairs of that critical period, would have great weight in his campaign to achieve the rehabilitation after the exile from his consulate. Cicero offered to provide the material, and hinted that Luceyo did not need to sacrifice praise to accuracy. Luceyo almost promised, but he did not execute it. As a result, Cicero had to praise his own consulate in both Greek and Latin, but nothing remains of any such works of his history. In the civil war he was in favor of Pompey; but having been pardoned by Julius Caesar, he returned to Rome, where he lived retired until his death.
