The Ministry of Social Work was a Dutch ministry that existed from 1952 to 1965.
The ministry was established in 1952, partly in connection with the distribution of ministerial posts on the coalition parties. The Ministry took over the Department of Social Assistance from the Ministry of Social Affairs and Health and the Departments of Social Affairs I and II of the Ministry of the Interior. As a result, the Ministry was responsible for implementing the Armenian Law.
The prime minister of social work (1952-1956) was Frans-Joseph van Thiel, the most famous minister (1956-1965), however, was Marga Klompé, the first female minister in the Netherlands. As the main task of her ministry, she saw the abolition of the Armenian Act and the constitution of the General Assistance Act adopted in 1963. In 1965, the ministry's task, with the appointment of Minister Maarten Merry, was taken over by the Ministry of Culture, Recreation and Social Work Sources