Toba (people)

The Tobavolk (also called: Tuoba or T'o-pa or Tabgatsj) entered the north of China around 386 and founded the Northern Wei dynasty. Language and descent are not certain, but probably they were composed of parts of the Dingling and Xianbei. Statues of this age have remarkably often been European rather than Chinese features.

The Toba were from home from nomads of the steppe who lived from their horses and the war. They only struggled with an established life with agriculture instead of robbery. Their role in the army became increasingly unclear under the Wei dynasty.

A conservative group of border soldiers rebelled when an invasion of the Mongolian Rouran occurred in 524. There followed ten years civil war on this uprising of the six garrisons. The magnificent capital of Luoyang of the Xiaowen Emperor was abandoned and the empire was divided into 534 in a Western Weidynastie and an Eastern Weidynastie.
