The St. Peter International Seminar (German: International Priesterseminar St. Petrus) is an interdiocesan and international Catholic seminary for the training of future German-speaking or French-speaking priests. He is entrusted to the priestly fraternity St. Peter and is located in Wigratzbad in Allgäu, part of Bavaria (Germany). Historyedit code
The seminary was founded in 1988 with the permission of Cardinal Castrillón Hoyos, head of the Ecclesia Dei commission, with the agreement of the local ordinary, M Josef Stimpfle, bishop of Augsburg, and especially the support Cardinal Ratzinger, future Benedict XVI. He trains future priests, most of whom belong to the priestly fraternity of St. Peter, destined for the preconciliar liturgy, said according to the "extraordinary form of the Roman rite", using the liturgical books of 1962 in Latin.
The premises were enlarged and modernized in the year 2000, then in 2010. About sixty seminarians are currently pursuing (2013) their studies. The rector (or regent) is Father Patrick du Faÿ du Choisinet, fssp. edit code