Knight of Magical Grace

A Knight, or Lady of Magical Grace, is a member of a knight's order, for example the Order of Malta. In the Dutch section of this order, they do not necessarily belong to Catholic genera of the nobility.

As the order expanded its activities, divisions were established in countries without a nobility like the United States. In order to be able to absorb prominent and charitable lies, for priests it was not necessary at all, this rank was introduced. The meaning can be interpreted as "member of the master's grace (master) of order". One was exempted from the very strict requirements that proved and documented the 16th century Catholic, noble, old-age, legally born grandparents or "quarters".

Now in the Netherlands, (2008) Knights and Women of Magical Grace are also discussed.

In the Military Order of Saint Joris of the Reconciliation, a corresponding rank, that of a "Knight of Mercy", came in.
