Malbeth, which means "Golden Language" in the Sindarin language, is a fictional character from the legendarium of the writer J. R. R. Tolkien. Constantly called "The Seer", he was a Dúnadan of the Kingdom of Arnor, who appears for the first time as a high Advisor to the Araval King of Arthedain.
The part of Malbeth in the History of Middle-earth is known because it is he who, present at the birth of the grandson of the Araval King, advises his son Araphant to call the baby Arvedui, which means last king, since he predicts that Arvedui would be the Last of the Kings of Arnor.
It is said in The Lord of the Rings that it was Malbeth, during the reign of Arvedui in Fornost, who also predicted the passage of Aragorn through the Paths of the Dead, although this would come to pass a millennium later.
Of the life and death of Malbeth little is known, it is presumed that it was destroyed by the forces of the Witch King when taking Fornost, but since he lived at the birth of Arvedui, and during his reign, or a hundred years later, we can easily deduce that Malbeth belonged to the Númenor race.