Megalithic set of Chan de Castiñeiras

The megalithic complex of Chan de Castiñeiras is one of the most important fields of moths in Galicia. It is located in the immediate vicinity of Cotorredondo Park and Lake Castiñeiras, between Vilaboa and Marín, in the province of Pontevedra. It forms part of the set of rock art of Terras de Pontevedra.

These manifestations, which are attributed a funerary function, rose during the Neolithic and the Chalcolithic, especially in the European Atlantic strip.

Among all of them is the one known as Mámoa do Rei, impressive for its enormous dimensions. It is a dolmen with a polygonal chamber and access corridor, with three perfectly differentiated sections. It was restored and rebuilt in 2003.

The remaining eight dolmens, in different conservation states, are also built around 3,000 BC and located in the vicinity of Lake Castiñeiras. Other examples

In the same municipality were discovered tombs in the parishes of Figueirido and Vilaboa. Also in the municipality of Marín, which shares this megalithic complex, there are other dolmens in good state of conservation. Among them are those located in Chan da Armada, in Santo Tomé de Piñeiro; Chan da Lagoa, in San Xián de Marín; and Pastoriza, in Ardán.
